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Posts by Darong Tang


Make your preparation for 2017 Tax Return

2017年报税即将开始,在每年的个人所得税申报中,作为澳洲纳税公民,我们要向税务局申报财政年内的收入取得外,还可以申报与其工作性质相关的费用支出。这部分支出可以直接与收入相抵之后,再乘上相应的税率计算出应税额。近日,一些前来我们Golden Bull会计事务所报税的客户们就向我们咨询了 “关于申报抵税的项目都有哪些?” 的问题。为此,金牛 会计事务所将于6月29日开设关于退税的讲座,讲座中会计师Michael会对个人以及其他商业形式(公司、Trust及SMSF)的退税进行详细的说明,并且对一些比较常见的可申报抵税的项目进行了总结,希望能对大家的退税有所帮助。



报名方式如下: 拨打办公室电话82123574 或0432298684进行报名


地点:Unit 2, 76 – 80 Sturt St, Adelaide, SA 5000

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Income Tax Return Checklist – Individuals

Please use this checklist and bring any relevant information with you.

Personal Details:

 Personal details: TFN (Tax File Number), ABN, DOB and address etc.

 Bank account details if you have tax refund



 PAYG Payment Summary

 Government payment statements, if received

 Cash income summary if there is any (Company name ABN)

 Interest income from banks

 Income from investments (Rental property, Dividend statements for dividends received or reinvested and etc.)

 All other income (i.e. Capital gains)



 Work related general expenses

 Work related car expenses

 Work related uniform and other clothing expenses

 Tax agent fee invoice

 Self-education and professional development

 Union, registrations, tools, subscriptions, memberships

 Donation made (receipts, or bank transfers and etc)

 All other expenses you think might be relevant


Offsets and Refunds:

 Health insurance and rebate entitlement statement

 Spouse details including taxable and exempt income

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Saving more money in 2016 tax season

red save button with chrome over white Background

Good news!

Golden Bull Accountants is offering discount on Individual tax returns in 2016 tax season.

Book an individual tax return with us before 30th July 2016, individuals could enjoy 10% off on $88 (GST inclusive) individual tax return, and couple could enjoy package price $150 (GST inclusive).


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